Are you losing sight of your career vision? I have one word to share with you which contains ‘4 Steps to Elevate your Career Success’

We are all so busy working on meeting the next milestone, metric or target, that we are stuck in the ‘doing’ and not spending enough time focusing on the big picture. It is a case of ‘head down’ and not really steering where we are going, until we find ourselves off-course from our career vision. This happens so often, with many of my clients re-assessing their career path to align to their career ambitions, having become disconnected from their career purpose. They have been distracted by the adrenalin of meeting targets and project milestones, however, losing sight of how this aligns to their personal and career purpose.

For those who follow rugby, it is generally acknowledged that Ireland consistently punches above its weight assembling a world class team from a shallow player pool? How is this done? One of the main contributing factors is the pro-active way players are managed to maximise their performance. Recently two Leinster players – Joey Carbury and Jordi Murphy, left their province to move to Munster and Ulster respectively. For both players it came down to the need to come out of the relative comfort zone of a winning team and test themselves in another environment in order to grow and develop. Irish Rugby is a great example of an organisation pushing its players to higher levels of performance by challenging them to succeed outside their comfort zones. In the case of Carbury and Murphy, it would have been easy to stay at a highly successful setup like Leinster, a place they know and live. However, they both choose to move outside their comfort zone and take on a new challenge.

While there are many bumps along the road of a successful career, some people will stay on course, while others will get diverted and lose track of their vision.

I would like to share one word with you which I am using as an acronym for four steps to elevate your career success. The GRIT to stay on track and get into flow in your career.


We all need a Gameplan, otherwise we are on a journey without a map! Your gameplan begins with understanding your WHY? What is your passion and interest? What do you want to achieve in this life? and how do you plan to get there?

Rome wasn’t built in a day, but your actions each day are building towards something! What are your daily actions building? Where are they taking you? In order to perform to your true potential, you need to develop a gameplan that allows you to stand out, not blend in! You need to find YOUR game!


My definition of resilience is having the strength to continue with focus when challenges are presented, however, doing so in a manner that assesses risk and opportunities, and updating your plan as necessary. I believe true resilience is achieved when you move through challenges with ease and flow, being comfortable in your skin and holding strong to your beliefs and values.


Trust your gut, know what feels right for you, as well as what does not feel right. However, don’t let fear guide your gut. You may know something is right for you, however, fear stands in your way, so you assume it is not right for you. Fear is one of the biggest factors preventing people following their dreams and achieving the success they desire in their lives. Moving past this fear requires you to reassess your mindset, strategy, and actions – to make the journey a smooth path and one you will follow through to fruition.


Trust in yourself! One of the best ways to build a great team, who show up each day as themselves to their full potential and deliver great results, is to show you TRUST them. You trust them to be their best self, do the best they can do, make informed decisions, and come to you when they need support.

However, firstly you need to Trust Yourself!

Do you trust that you are performing as your best self, making informed decisions, and asking for help when you need it, rather than believing you should have all the answers? A humble leader is a trusted leader. Remember, everyone is a ‘leader’, you are a leader of your team, your career, and your life.

Getting back into flow in your career, supported by your gameplan, resilience, intuition and having trust, will enable you to achieve greater results, while doing so with ease and confidence.